Be Real - Admit You Need Help
In life there are many times where we are confronted with situations that expose our limited knowledge and power. As a new dad, one such situation that my wife and I were confronted with was while our son was still in the womb. Early on in the pregnancy, the doctors shared some concerns with us about Brayden that were scary. We had to wait two weeks from that appointment until we could run some tests and get answers.
Naomi and I were on what felt like a rollercoaster of emotions: one minute we were resting in the conviction that God is good, and He has a plan…only a few minutes later to be filled with worry about our son. After a few google searches, we stopped looking for answers among people and consciously decided to rest in God: even if our idea of a healthy child wasn’t fulfilled.
One of the many times I went to prayer, I was struck with the realization that the love I had for Brayden was only a reflection of God’s love for him. Those two weeks became more bearable as we surrendered and trusted. Today, we are blessed to have a beautiful and healthy son. The reality is that many more difficult situations have and will come with regard to our son and as they do Naomi and I will remember God’s help in the past.
Our text is 1 Samuel 7:12 – “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, ‘Till now the LORD has helped us’.”
Context: The Israelites corporately repented and returned after 20 years of open rebellion against God. They were facing a difficult situation (battle with the Philistines) and were aware of their limited power and knowledge to overcome. This situation caused the people to move their trust away from themselves and back to God. Samuel called the people to return to right relationship with God and to serve Him alone. The people asked Samuel to go to the Lord on their behalf to ask for help in the pending battle against the Philistines. The LORD heard Samuel’s prayer, helping the people, by causing mass confusion among the Philistines, ultimately leading to victory for Israel.
Lesson: Samuel’s response to the Lord’s help was to worship. He set up a stone and gave it the name Ebenezer – which translated means stone of help. Samuel was at peace in times of turmoil because he was mindful of God’s help in the past. He only had to think back a couple hundred years of history to the collection of stories of God’s help during the period of the Judges. He knew they would experience future challenges and wanted the people to be mindful of God’s help in the past.
Application: When we face difficult situations, our attention naturally is fixed on variables we cannot control. Difficulty in life threatens to steal away our joy and peace. Our limited knowledge and power will cause one of two results as we walk through difficult times. If we strive for control and answers, we will be filled with anxiety and fear. However, if we surrender and trust God, we will experience peace and joy!
Action Steps:
Journal – be intentional to record situations where God has been a help in the past! It is always encouraging to read back through old journals and to be mindful of God’s help in past circumstances.
Share – be intentional to tell friends and family about times where you have found help in God in the past!
Ask – be intentional to ask other people how they have experienced God’s help in the past!
Be Real – Difficult situations will come and we can experience joy and peace by remembering God’s help in the past!