The Missions Ministry of Shelby Bible Church is made possible through the sacrificial giving of the people of Shelby Bible Church above and beyond their regular contribution. We give by faith from what we have to send men and women with the message of the gospel to places we could never go. Would you consider adding to your current giving to spread the gospel around the world?


Church Planting missionaries

Ben & Ashli baucum

(Hong Kong)
Ben had the great privilege of growing up in China, raised by faithful missionary parents. He completed an internship through the Chinese ministry of Liberty Baptist Church in Newport Beach, CA while attending West Coast Baptist College, where he graduated in 2011. Ben and Ashli met and were married in 2013. They served in various ministries until the Lord moved them to Pensacola, Florida. By 2016, they joined the pastoral staff of West Florida Baptist Church in Milton, FL. Over the next 6 years, the Lord blessed their family with four precious children. In September 2022, they were asked consider meeting with a small church in Hong Kong who had been without a pastor for two years and in April 2023, Ben accepted a position as their pastor. Lord willing, Ben and Ashli will leave with their four children for Hong Kong in the fall of 2024.


Nathan & TARA Beil

The Beil’s are currently working with CORE Missions as church planting missionaries to Latin America. Their goal is to partner with foreign missionaries to help them train, equip, and assist national pastors, enabling them to plant churches in remote places. They are currently working with and learning from veteran missionaries Jason and Lori Holt who have spent 17 years in Santiago, Chile.

Hani & Denise Dekho

Hani was born in Iraq in a Christian home but never heard a true Gospel message.  He came to the States in 1980 and trusted the Lord in 1985.  After attending Midwestern Bible College, his heart was burdened to serve for five years among African workers until the Lord opened an opportunity to serve in Lebanon.  Because of the turmoil in Iraq and Syria, there is more than two million refugees in Lebanon and many souls that need the Lord. Hani currently pastors a church in Lebanon with his wife, Denise, and their two daughters and they are grateful for the opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel.

Tom & Tiffany DePew

(South Africa)

Tom and Tiffany did not grow up in Christian homes. They were both reached as a result of their sending church’s youth ministry and were married in 2012. After graduating Bible college, the Depew family had an opportunity to serve as missionaries in both Taiwan and China. The Lord has now redirected their path to Cape Town, South Africa, to serve as church planting missionaries.


Dominic & Elaine Gonino

(Biblical Ministries Worldwide – US Area Director)
Dominic and Elaine have served with BMW since 1982.  Their field of ministry has involved church planting among the Mormons in Idaho and Utah for over 32 years.  During that time, they have had the privilege of planting and/or pastoring 4 different locations on the Mormonland field.  From 1996 to 2005, Dominic served as the field leader for Idaho/Utah before stepping in as U.S. Area Director in 2005 until 2021.  In addition to caring for many missionary families across the U.S., their ministry now involves a significant amount of travel representing the needs in missions in various settings such as mission conferences, churches and on college campuses.

Patrick & Leslie Henry


Patrick and Leslie Henry have been called to the mission field of Argentina and have served there since 2016. The capital, Buenos Aires, is the 20th largest city in the world and the second largest city in South America. Studies show that less than 6% of the population have professed salvation in Jesus! Catholicism has a strong hold on Argentina and while the name of Jesus is well known, salvation is not found. The Henry’s desire is to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus, plant churches, and to train men to lead.


Jason & Lori Holt

Since 2001, Jason and Lori have served as church planting missionaries to Chile and have seen God continue to bless with open doors to start new churches and train men and women for ministry. Their main focus is to train Chilean nationals to reach their own people. As the Lord began to raise up men for full-time ministry, they founded the Chile Training Center as a Bible college. Since 2008, the Center has prepared future pastors for ministry. What started with 3 students has now expanded to nearly 75 young men and women! In addition to leading the Bible college, their family is currently involved in local church ministries at Iglesia Bautista Libertad (Liberty Baptist Church), which was launched in 2015. This young church has seen many saved, several who have studied in the Chile Training Center, and has also sent out 3 young men to plant 3 new churches!


Bryan & Heather MacPhail-Fausey

Bryan and Heather’s ministry is focused on church planting. The goal of the missionary team in Cameroon is to plant 20 Biblically based, doctrinally sound Baptist church in 20 years. In addition, the work includes the discipleship of believers and the training of Cameroonian national pastors.

billy & Mary ann marks


Billy received Christ as his Saviour at the age of 13. Mary Ann was blessed to grow up in a Christian family and she also trusted Christ at the age of 13. Upon graduating high school, they both attended Bible college where they met and eventually married and started their family. Shortly after earning their degrees, God brought them to First Baptist Church in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, where Billy served as the Youth Pastor for over 20 years and Mary Ann worked with youth and ladies’ groups. Upon Billy becoming the Missions Pastor at FBC, God began working in their hearts to serve as missionaries. In November of 2024, they moved to Portugal to join alongside an establish pastor and church in ministry.

Bob & Gayle McQueary

(Worldview Ministries – Director of Church Planting)
Bob grew up under the ministry of Calvary Baptist Church in Roseville, Michigan.  Their ministry of more than 50 years includes pastoral ministry, Christian school and seminary administration, and most recently, church planters.  Bob & Gayle joined WorldView Ministries in 2015, and Bob is currently the Director of Church Planting. Worldview ministries is a ministry committed to church planting, discipleship and training Bible translators for the translation of the Scriptures into the heart languages of unreached people groups.


Marco & Gwendolyn Nunez

Marco emigrated from Mexico to the United States in 1966 at the age of twenty-one, along with his mother and two sisters. While attending college and working in Detroit, Michigan, he heard the Gospel message and accepted the Lord as his Savior in 1969. During his next two years at BJU, Marco’s heart was turned back to his native land. Marco joined the family of EMU International as a missionary to Mexico in 1995. After only one year on the field, God blessed him with his wonderful wife, Gwendolyn. Their ministry is in Cancún, a city transformed from a small fishing village to a famous tourist city where nearly one million Mexicans now live and work. Marco began a small Bible school in the church to train nationals to reach their own people. Marco helps support several of his graduates who have started small mission churches throughout southern Mexico.

Joe & Sierah Pliska


After graduating from West Coast Baptist College, Joe and Sierah took a short missions trip to Tokyo, Japan, and fell in love with the saints they met. They developed an incredible burden for the thousands of unsaved Japanese people and felt their calling was to help make disciples of Jesus in Tokyo, Japan. Their desire is train up men capable and qualified to pastor churches in the area along with participating in mercy ministry opportunities such as family counseling, human trafficking and homeless outreach. Joe and Sierah are currently in the United States raising support for their upcoming missionary effort in Japan. Their desire is to be on the field by 2023.

Kevin & Anna Ruwersma

(United Kingdom)
After Kevin and Anna were married, they immediately began working at a church plant in Michigan. A few years later they completed a two-year mission internship in England assisting a church restoration effort. They were able to work in several ministries including: Sunday school outreach, youth rallies, family Bible studies, door- to- door visitation, discipleship, preaching, and teaching religious education in the public schools. During this time, the Lord worked in their hearts and gave them a burden for the United Kingdom.  After serving as pastor from 2010- 2012, Kevin and Anna continued to feel a burden for the United Kingdom and their yearning to go back only became stronger. After returning to England in 2012 for a survey trip they believed God was leading them to permanently relocate to the United Kingdom and assist with church restoration and church planting. Kevin and Anna are currently pastoring a growing church in Barry, South Wales, and assisting churches in need of pastoral leadership.


Joshua & Denise Steward

The Steward family moved to Ireland in January 2014 to join a couple in a Mallow, Co Cork. They lived and ministered there for 5 years upon which they began to feel called to start another church in the Republic of Ireland. Through much prayer and seeking the Lord, in June 2019 they settled on a new place of ministry in Tra Lí (Tralee) in Co Kerry, a little over an hour west of Mallow. They have been faithfully ministering there in a new church plant, striving to get involved in the community as much as possible in order to meet new people and build connections.  They are blessed to see people coming to hear the gospel each and every Sunday and are looking forward to the Lord working in hearts through their hands. 


Josh & Sara Whitman

As a family, the Whitman’s have been actively involved in missions in Italy since 2007. Josh was born and raised in Perugia, Italy, in a missionary family.  Sara was born and raised in Bologna in an Italian family. After having completed a church planting internship in Bologna they were sent to Imola to evaluate the possibility of planting a new church in the area. They have been there since 2009 and are involved in many different outreach ministries.

Other Missionary Projects We Support

  • Maria Binney (Philippines)

  • Bonnie Blount (US)

  • Encounter Revival Ministries

  • Ken & Linda Fielder (US)

  • Charles & Mary Keen (US)

  • Gary & Linda Keffer (US)

  • Mark & Joanne Landon (Scotland)

  • Randy & Tricia Merrill (US)

  • Barb Perrine (US)

  • Doug & Ronda Wyler (US)