Filtering by: Outreach

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
4:00 PM16:00

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Come and worship with us!

We invite you to join us at Shelby Bible Church for our Christmas Eve services! Enjoy a night of

beautiful music, Scripture reading, and a Christmas message, all by candlelight!

Thinking about joining us for Christmas Eve? We’d love to save a seat just for you!

Let us know you’re plans to attend below.

  • Tuesday, December 24th @ 4pm & 6pm

  • This is a family-friendly event, so we invite all children to join us in service. The nursery will be open if you need to step out with your child during the service.

    No childcare will be provided.

  • After parking, enter through our South Entrance. Walk straight down the hallway and there are several entrances into the auditorium on the right-hand side. There will be ushers present to help you find a seat.

  • The congregation wears anything from jeans and a t-shirt to business casual to professional attire. Please come dressed in what makes you comfortable.

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Easter Services
to Mar 31

Easter Services

Come and worship with us!

We invite you to join us at Shelby Bible Church for our Easter services! Enjoy beautiful music, practical preaching and an Easter children’s program! Join us also for some light brunch refreshments and a photo opportunity between services.

We look forward to celebrating our Risen Lord with you!

  • Friday, March 29th @ 7pm

    Sunday, March 31st @ 8:30am, 10:00am, & 11:30am


    Nursery: Ages 0-4yrs


    Nursery: Ages 0-4yrs

    Easter Jr. Church Program: (at 10:00am & 11:30am services) complete with activities and goodies! Ages 5yrs-12yrs

  • On Easter Sunday, all of our volunteers will be wearing lanyards so that they are easy to spot. Anyone you see with a lanyard will be happy to help direct you to the Kid Check Station, Auditorium, Nursery, Bathrooms, or where ever else you might need to go.

  • Here is an idea of what you may see when you visit. The congregation wears anything from jeans and a t-shirt to business casual to professional attire. Please come dressed in what makes you comfortable.

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Men's Conference 2023: Spring Training
to May 13

Men's Conference 2023: Spring Training

Join us for Spring Training - a two-day Men’s Conference hosted by Shelby Bible Church with keynote speaker, Doug Schmidt.

Friday’s session will begin at 6:30pm

Saturday’s events will run from 8am-3pm

There will be a continental breakfast and a catered lunch included Saturday.

Early Bird sign-up is $20 per person. Cost after April 12th is $25.

You can pay online today by clicking the button below, or pay to the church office by cash or check. If paying online, please select “Other” and type “Men’s Conference” in the subject line.

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Jesus | Sight & Sound Theaters Showing
7:00 PM19:00

Jesus | Sight & Sound Theaters Showing

Join us for a special showing of the Sight & Sound Theaters’ production of Jesus!

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